Key Factors for Publishing Research n top-tier journals like CSP, ACM, i3E, etc.

The top-tier journals were publisher have outstanding reputation and as the best in their fields. Example of the most top-tier journals are CSP, ACM, i3E and others who are been in the top. The some factors are (1) maintain the high quality standard of the journal; (2) it is very good, means the journal really interest the audience; (3) it defines all the possible key concepts in the papers; (4) Successful publishing strategies: (a)Theory development (concept without data),(b)Construct development (new /refined concept to existing theory or research), (c)Generalization (replication on metastudy), (d)Practice.(Denise M. Rousseau, 1998-2007).


charmj said...

i agree with your idea ms clenemae..(",)

Etz Thonio said...

It is also true that the research work published in a top-tier journal must get the interest of the audience through following a high standard in creating a research.