Future Technology : REFLECTION

Last Saturday, November 22, 2008, we held our report, the subject Future Technology.
The environment was not that good because of some sort of "SERMON" coming from our professor.

Before we entered the class most of my classmates and I were having fun talking at the ground floor about some stuff, and we really didn't expect what happened after those scenario.

It's really true that before a person realize things there is someone or something help him/her to remind it. And after what happened we really learned our lesson and were really feel sorry to ourselves about it. In our stage there are some responsibility that we should take seriously and we should also understand the rules and regulations that is given to us. And I know it will remain as a memory that somehow we learned to realize things because of our actions.


Anonymous said...

sometimes we need others to scold us in order for us to realize our actions. But let's face it positively. Advices from people with more experiences with us will help us become more mature and to know the things that we don't know yet.

snage said...

life is a continuous learning.... buhay2, but what sir said was indeed a wake up call...

randy said...

i'm sorry ..

Etz Thonio said...

...hope everyone must be more sensitive...be responsible..

rejserenity said...

yah.. that's quite have the point., we tolerate our selves because no one punished us... jan pa tau titino kung napapagalitan na tau hehehe

charmj said...

uhmm..i don't think SirRSG has to say sorry at all.I mean we get sermons from our parents all the time.and i know that the wake-up call was just deserving to be heard by us..


you are right tam.aheheh.we should be more responsible right now.