
B2B ways to stay competitive.

Internet is apart of technologies existence and as useful as computer; internet also plays a very important role nowadays. It helps you to communicate, it either be socializing or making business or reaching your loved ones from any part of the world. It uses as news paper where we can view several and unstoppable issues in any field or area, from the past event or current and even the future issues. It provides you information from an article, book, or dictionary. It can entertain you. It provides you information and services.

In terms of business internet contribute a lot to their company. The Internet has also become a large market for companies; some of the biggest companies today have grown by taking advantage of the efficient nature of low-cost advertising and commerce through the Internet, also known as e-commerce. It is the fastest way to spread information to a vast number of people simultaneously. The Internet has also subsequently revolutionized shopping—for example; a person can order a CD online and receive it in the mail within a couple of days, or download it directly in some cases. The Internet has also greatly facilitated personalized marketing which allows a company to market a product to a specific person or a specific group of people more so than any other advertising medium(Wikipedia.com).

A survey to organizations using business-to-business e-commerce enabling technologies that the results indicates that there is a strong relationship between the contribution to business performance of cooperative arrangements with both suppliers and customers, and that derived from used of Internet. At the same time, although extent of involvement in partnerships with both customers and suppliers appear to be complimentary, it is less apparent that extent of use of the Internet supports the same relationships. The results also show that the use of multiple stakeholders for the development of Internet strategy is the dominant driver of both implementation and performance. The findings therefore indicate that focus on involvement of multiple stakeholders in formulation of strategies will be more likely to yields better outcomes rather than focus in technologies pre se. technical capacity will determine the ability to extend implementation of Internet based applications across the supply chain, but a broad and coordinated approach to the development of strategy will more likely determine performance outcomes.

For using the internet as the way of dealing and interaction between suppliers and customers, here are some strategies or ways that is presented from a “blog (Enquiro blog)” to become in the cutting edge with online businesses.

1. Consider Creating an Online Community of Interest Around Your Solution - social marketing continues to be an effective method for reaching new prospects and can provide access to leads that may have otherwise been overlooked.

"Everyone has ideas, and everyone needs exposure and marketing feedback," Steiner said to a morning crowd at the "Achieving Innovation through Collaboration" symposium hosted recently by the Center for Advancing Business through Information Technology at the W. P. Carey School of Business.
Creating a site for your products will be preferable. Updating what’s new and what’s hot about your product.

2. Make use of Online Video or a Video Blog with Product/Solution Demos - with the surging popularity of online video with YouTube and Google Video, creating a video blog with a series of your solution demos or interviews with key company personnel is a great way to generate top of mind awareness and build trust with your potential prospects.

Considering that if you look at web analytics, product demos are the type of content that people actually click on and will watch, companies ought to invest in making quality product demos—and leveraging this communication across various mediums(viewstream blog).

Also, John Assalian(2008) says that product demos are best in the awareness / stage — at the point at which a prospect knows that they have a problem, and need a solution, and looking at the overall product landscape. Search is the one medium that traverses through Awareness, Consideration, and Decision phases of sales cycle, so you your product demos should support your search strategy on landing pages, as content on website once a search prospect comes to your site, and in matching product demo copy with search keywords.

3. Use Mobile Marketing to Compliment your Online Presence – the number of cell phone users continues to increase. Having a mobile marketing strategy through mobile ads can help promote traffic to your web properties. Marketing on a mobile phone has become increasingly popular ever since the rise of SMS (Short Message Service) in the early 2000s in Europe and some parts of Asia.

It will help the process of increasing visitors to your web properties through the use of mobile marketing and promotion.

Short Message Service (SMS) is also known as “text-messaging” and is a telecommunications protocol that allows the sending of "short" (160 characters or less) text messages.

Since the start of the decade, Short Message Service (SMS) has become popular in Europe and Asia. As a result, businesses in these areas started to compile mobile phone numbers and send off content and ad messages. Mobile Marketing via SMS has expanded rapidly in Europe and Asia as a new channel to reach the consumer. As a side note, the first cross-carrier SMS shortcode campaign in North America was run by Labatt Brewing Company in 2002(enquiro blog).

4. Have Dedicated Resources for Search Engine Marketing – whether in-house or outsourced, the organizations that realize search is here to stay have dedicated budgets for online marketing. Dedicated online marketing staff can keep on top of the latest online strategies and evaluate which strategies can be of the most benefit.

From an article summary having a dedicated resources is important. “From a business standpoint, it makes sense to try to leverage internal resources to maximize your company’s productivity and profitability – whenever possible. However, there must be a line drawn in the sand between knowing what your organization’s capabilities are and what they are not.”

5. Check out the Competition – what are they doing? What are they not doing? Are they using some new online marketing strategy that you can leverage and make better use of?

It is the easy to use tool that automatically tells you when a competitor gets a new link; make sure you stay on top of your competitors. Continually monitor your competitors website so you know automatically every new link that a competitor gets.

6. Live and Breath Relationship Marketing – The longer, more complex buying cycle means that relationships have to be cultivated and grown over a lengthy period of time. Having plans in place for building a long-term relationship for prospects through your website is critical in creating top of mind awareness and building the relationship between your organization and your prospects.

7. Learn, Understand and Utilize Widget Marketing - with a surging increase in the use of widgets, widget marketing can help help promote your product or solution as widgets are all about providing your users with the tools to promote your B2B business or any business/online property.

8. Determine your most important and actionable KPIs – Being cutting edge means that realizing that not all leads should be treated as equal. Successful lead generation will rely on multiple KPIs to keep the online marketing program focused and effective—and to keep you from wasting time and money on leads that just don’t matter. Three KPIs to live by: Leads Generated (This metric is very high level and should be considered a long-term trended KPI. As traffic fluctuates, leads will naturally fluctuate.), Lead Conversion Ratio (the conversion ratio is generally influenced positively by incentives including offers and negatively by barriers like poor navigation or onsite security concerns), Cost per Lead (Cost per Lead is a ratio and strategic metric, should never be managed independent of revenue)

9. Prepare for the Personalization of Search - the switch from a universal Search Engine Results Page (SERP) to a some what unique results page for each and every user who performs a query for one of your keywords. Ensuring that you have the relevant content to be found in "personalized" search results can improve your chances for consideration as your prospect goes through their buying process.

10. Have an Interactive Site – providing avenues for user generated content can help enhance the user experience and improve your presence in the search engines. Updating your site to be search engine friendly and to allow for user interaction is a great way to generate traffic, interest and leads for your business.

Making your site dynamic which clients can interact and give some comment the presented products it can be helpful to the company on what’s the most likely by the customers.

The Internet has finally arrived for the business-to-business market. The infrastructure has been built, companies are interested, and the economic environment is robust. Technology is changing from a cost of doing business to a way of doing business.

Centralized markets for B2B commerce over the Internet will create unprecedented levels of market transparency and lower the cost of procurement (not necessarily the cost of the products).



Future Technology

Effects of technological change in our society.

Technology really has a big impact in the society. We can say that because as we can see technology is been a part of our daily living and we can’t live without technology today. We are dependent on it now. And as far as we are concerns having all of it help us in the easiest way to do something, to entertain us, aid us to communicate with people. Because of the interaction and society really satisfy in using all of the devices, gadgets, machines; technology really burst in the community. Technology really affect human, because of the existence technology shown this day, human is seeking more from that.

But having the technology, what are the perspectives and what are the effects of it to the society, to our situation. From the PresidentPolls2008.com, they stated several effects to the society of having the technology around.

Dangers of Technology

It is stated that the over-all existence of technology is good but our world is not perfect, we are not perfect, so our creation is not perfect. “There are clearly dangers and drawbacks that may appear. Every new technology breeds unanticipated or unwanted side effects. For instance, the Industrial Revolution, while reducing manual labor in the long run, had and still has many negative consequences, such as pollution, child labor, and sweatshop conditions.”

Those consequences are appearing now; we can see it to our very own eyes, of what is happening to our world this time. Even though we can see it as the most important things around we can’t insure that there is no side effects.

Technology Created Starvation

“Also, the Green Revolution of the 40s, 50s, and 60s, while allowing increased agricultural production in developing countries, also led to a population explosion in those countries, creating more starvation. New technologies are usually required to solve the problems created by older ones.”

Technology Used for Good and Evil

“Technology, like just about everything else, can either be used for good or for evil. I tend to think that certain technologies are designed more for good and others more for evil. For instance, I think few people would dispute that electricity has been beneficial to mankind. But I tend to think that most weapons have had an overall negative influence on society, though I'm sure that many would disagree.”

Yes, it is designed for good things and mostly it is done for evil. Many technology where involved in terms of explosion of war in many foreign country. There is nuclear technology which was produced by the other foreign country that can kill almost every people of the world.

Afraid of New Technologies

“People tend to be afraid of new technologies, though once they become widely used, the fear subsides. The novel "Frankenstein", written by Mary Shelley in 1818, warned of the dangers brought about by the Industrial Revolution. Many science fiction stories have been written based on the theme of man versus machine, expressing concern about the dangers of artificial intelligence going awry, though this concern has seemingly subsided since the advent of the personal computer.”

It is really fearsome when in terms of the biggest involvement of technologies in our lives. Taking for example the robots that has been created in order to help and to do humans work. Machines are intelligent in terms by their creation. They are programmed to have a high memory about the human world. What if it will come a time that the existence of this machine is more than the existence of humans? What will happen to the world? What will happen when the time comes that they are the most powerful than humans and will rule the entire human community? What will happen to us? Well, I can’t picture out such thing. Machines are dedicated to help human not to over-power there will.

Nuclear Power

“Nuclear technology is one of the significant technological advancement of our time. Nuclear technology is research that involves the reactions of atomic nuclei. It has many vital applications in modern society, the most prominent of which are nuclear weapons, nuclear medicine, and nuclear power. The most controversial of these is, without a doubt, nuclear weapons. First created by the United States in 1945 during World War II, they were developed out of the fear that Nazi Germany would first develop them. A weapon of incredible power, a single nuclear weapon has to potential to decimate, level, and destroy an entire city. The first and only times a nuclear weapon has been used are in World War II, when the United States bombed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” bombs, respectively.

The usage of these bombs allowed for the near instantaneous end to the destructive World War II. Although two cities were leveled and many lives were lost, the situation involving the usage of these nuclear weapons is not nearly as negative as one may perceive. Had the bombs not been dropped, Japan would not have surrendered, and it would have without a doubt prolonged the war for months or even years. This would have forced an Allied Forces ground invasion of Japan in an effort to end the war, which would have resulted in the loss of many more people than caused by the deployment of the two nuclear weapons.

When you look at the usage of nuclear technology, you must look at the situation from the viewpoint of human society as a whole, and not from a standpoint of an individual. Today, in more modern terms, nuclear weapons play a huge role in our lives.

Being in possession of nuclear weapons is not only a positive thing, it allows for us to be free. By holding an arsenal of nuclear weapons, we have a nuclear deterrent. In this sense, we prevent wars and conflicts from escalating into another World War by instituting world order. By having nuclear technology, we are ensuring the well-being, longevity, and freedoms of the human race.

Interestingly, public concerns about nuclear power have gone the other way though. When nuclear power was first developed, most people embraced the new technology until they became more aware of the potential hazards.”

Though society has based many of its goals upon advances in technology, there are some effects that might arise. An article, Technology’s Influence on Society, stated three effects that may be a problem of the existence of technology

Less Tolerant

Tolerance is a dying concept in today's society. Productivity has become all to important, while workers rights and needs, have become a lesser priority. Today's employers have demanded not only more work, but they also want faster. Almost any new work equipment has been based on this fact. This new work strategies includes: construction equipment, computers, and any new methods for producing products. All this equipment, while making the job easier, also created a need for fewer people, and also gave employers something they really wanted: fast, cheap labor. In this way, technology spawned a new, less tolerant society. Speed and efficiency are the driving forces for technology, and people begin to expect these amenities to help them solve problems and work faster. If they are not provided, there is a problem with productivity.

Loss Motivation

Technology also causes many problems with motivation among people. To completely understand this idea, you must first understand how motivation relates to it. When there is an easier way around a problem, obviously people are going to use this method. This causes people to begin to expect to do things in this way, and less thought and work are expected. This is a common problem among more than just under-motivated people. This can also be a problem among those who are in a situation where there is little supervision or none at all. If there is only a job given, with no supervisor, or instructor there will be less work. On top of that, if a problem is encountered, there is no help on hand. This alone can cause a person to become frustrated with the work, and become less motivated. This however is not caused by the technology, but by the lack of utilization of technology. It could be considered technology related if there was a problem with work ethic related to technology provided at work. For example, if a student were to fail to do their work because they played solitaire on the computer all day, rather than working on their lesson plan, this would be an example of how technology would effect motivation. An outside factor, in this case a computer, is causing a difference in motivation.

Society is More Lazy

Technology, despite having its many benefits, has it's many drawbacks. Laziness is a major side effect of technology. People are becoming extremely dependent on computers, as well as other technology. This became very apparent to me the one day at work. A new edition to our productivity arsenal has been walkie-talkies. While walking with my manager, we were discussing them, and at the time, he was using the one. He stated, "I love these things, they save so much running around." After hearing this, I realized that, at the time, we were roughly 6 feet from the nearest phone, which could have done the same thing. This, in my opinion, was a perfect example of the laziness technology produces. While there was another form of technology right in the area, it was too difficult to use it. When I mentioned this, he said, "It's not laziness, it's just more efficient." The idea of laziness was passed off as efficiency. Being more efficient does not necessarily allude to laziness, but laziness is usually the motivator behind productivity.

In the Philippines the advancement of technologies is not that high. We are poor to innovation in terms of technological condition. We are somehow behind in terms of lifestyle and trend when we are talking about technological innovation. Maybe planning and adaptation is necessary in order to deal the crisis we are having right now.



Future Technology

Global Warming

The condition of the earth this time is totally changing. The climate condition that we are having right now is quite becoming more tough. One article stated that “the fingerprints of the people are all over the phenomenon, of what is the condition the nature is facing right now”. And we know that it is the truth. To save more of our time and to benefits more we are seeking things to help us in our way of dealing lives. I’m not saying that I’m not dealing with it but we must observe every corner of it if this will benefits the entire area or cycle of life.

Technology are created and presented for the purpose that man can live life in easiest and to it’s convenient way of dealing with it. From the time we wake up in the morning, it help the preparation of the food we eat, when ride vehicles to go to places we want to go, to our work places, in having our recreational activities, in socializing to the public, and many other activities where technology has been existed and involved. And technology is created for that purposes. And yes, we are enjoying it. us, humans are the one who’s received the profit of it. But as we enjoy our life with the most convenient way technology has to offer with us, do we consider the effects it might cause? Technology is very helpful, and that’s the fact we can’t deny but in the contrary because of depending our own ways of living through it, we somehow make it difficult to the nature the way we control it. And now due to the overusing it and highly depending on it our mother nature is now at risk. Due to that we experienced not normal weather condition, and it ends to global warming.

Global warming is the increase over time of the Earth's average surface temperature. In general, it works like this: the sun shines on the Earth. Most of those rays pass through the Earth's atmosphere, although some are reflected back into space. The planet's surface — either the land or water — absorbs the energy. Some of that heat energy is re-emitted and travels back up into the atmosphere (An ‘unequivocal’ truth, 2007).

In the situation right now, we can’t blame it to the technology alone; of course technology will not be constructed without the man’s curiosity in mind and its finding ways to discover things. It’s the man’s concern to the society. That’s why, one way or another it is “we”, ourselves, which is to blame about what is happening to our world right now.

Global warming exist because of the various act and behavior of human that is adding the climate change. As we notice the climate we have right now is continuously changing everyday, and it is becoming more risky. It exist because the people are not giving attention about their surroundings, there are various aspect which contributes global warming like for example there are air and water pollution which from the burning of plastics, or without proper disposal of garbage, or coming from the usage of vehicles, or coming from the factories which did not necessarily have a proper disposal of the chemicals they are using which they just throw it away in the river or sea. Continually cutting of trees from the forest which added more forest destruction and the atmosphere more heat and many others that we are not giving sometimes attention.

And there are several cause of the climate change we have right now, like, the “greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere can trap that heat on the way up, however, warming up the Earth's surface even more. The climate of the Earth has always been in flux, including periods of sustained warming and cooling, and greenhouse gases have played a role in those changes. Without naturally-occurring greenhouse gases, the Earth would be about 33 degrees Celsius colder than it is, a temperature hostile to human life. Carbon dioxide is by far the biggest contributor to global warming. The IPCC report's findings have shown global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide were 379 parts per million in 2005, far above the natural range of between 180 to 300 ppm over the past 65,000 years and significantly higher than in the pre-industrial era. And levels of the gas in the atmosphere have continued to rise in the past 15 years alone. The new analysis of the warming and cooling effects on the planet connects the rise in carbon dioxide to rising temperatures, with researchers saying with "very high confidence" that the net effect of human activities since 1750 has been one of warming”. Also reported that sea levels will rise between 18 and 59 centimetres, a development that could be disastrous for island nations lying at low altitudes. The prediction could be even worse if the melting of polar ice sheets continues to accelerate.

Among the other predictions:
Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide will lead to increasing acidification of the ocean.

Warming is expected to be greatest over land and at high latitudes, with some models predicting rises of 10 degrees Celsius in the next 100 years in the Arctic.
Sea ice is expected to sink, with some projections predicting late-summer Arctic sea ice to disappear almost entirely in the latter part of the 21st century.
Hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation are highly likely to become more frequent.

Hurricanes are likely to become more intense, though there is less confidence in whether they will decrease in number.

Precipitation is very likely to move toward the poles, with an increase at higher latitudes and a decrease in subtropical regions (CBC News, 2007).
If the condition that we are facing right in this very moment will not be somehow cure the statement above about the melting of polar ice will continue and the earth will be filled with water that humans can no longer live earth. We can’t live long in water, somehow we will die. Also, the earth will become hotter that we can no longer stand. Today, we experience that the climate is extremely hot that it seems that our body is burning and even the umbrella we are using cannot give us satisfaction that will help lessen what we feel.

Since, it still may turn out that CO2 emissions are giving rise to substantial global warming and that is harmful. I think nothing very costly will be done unless and until actual harm is experienced. In that case, what can be done? From Avoiding Global Warming page, John McCarthy, 1995, here are some given steps or action to avoid the continue situation of our world. (a)Replace coal, oil and natural gas plants for generating electricity by nuclear plants. Replacing coal burning plants should get the highest priority, because they generate the most CO2 per unit of energy generated, and because their emissions cause substantial lung damage. (It is interesting that some the proposers of "carbon taxes", both in America and Europe, want to include nuclear energy as a target of the "carbon tax". There is clearly more on the agenda than global warming.) (b) Unfortunately, generating electricity without putting CO2 into the atmosphere probably wouldn't be enough if the global warming problem is serious. The next step is to use nuclear produced electricity for space heating and other direct uses of heat. (c) The most difficult step is to use electricity for automotive transportation. In spite of very vigorous research, batteries capable of giving electric cars reasonable range have not been developed, although there seems to be no law of nature making them impossible. (d) Another approach is to use hydrogen generated by splitting water with (say) nuclear electricity. Cars powered by liquid hydrogen have the potential of matching the performance of gasoline powered vehicles. The hydrogen tanks will need three times the internal volume of gasoline tanks and still greater external size because of the insulation required. BMW has demonstrated a liquid hydrogen powered internal combustion engine car. Schemes for using hydrogen in other forms than liquid are unlikely to have the required range. Some people seem to believe that using hydrogen gets more energy. It only provides a way of using nuclear or solar energy. Apart from its possible use to reduce global warming, hydrogen it likely to be the solution for personal transportation when petroleum runs short. (e) Rather than putting all the effort into reducing carbon emissions, it may be more cost-effective to put some effort into removing more CO2 from the atmosphere. Plants remove CO2, but only while they are growing. A climax forest may be in equilibrium; apparently the exact facts are not yet known.

What will surely work is to cut down forests, not burn the wood and replant the forests with fast growing trees. When these trees reach a size at which their growth slows, they would be cut again. Back in the carboniferous era, trees fell into swamps which evidently provided a reducing environment. The oxygen and hydrogen in the wood were re-emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon became coal. This process will work for us too (to reduce CO2 (it takes too long to make coal) if it proves necessary. Canada and Siberia have large forest areas not being used for other purposes.

There are many simple things an individual can do to avoid global warming without a cost. Use Compact Fluorescent, replace 3 frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. It can save 300 lbs of carbon dioxide and $60 per year. Inflate Your Tiers, keep the tiers on your car adequately inflated. Change Your Air Filter, check your car’s air filter monthly. Fill the Dishwasher, run your dishwasher only with a full load. Use Recycled Paper, make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Adjust Your Thermostat, move your heater thermostat down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in the summer. Ditch the Plastic, start using a usable water bottle and just say no to plastic. Turn off your computer, shut off your computer when not in use. Conserve energy by using your computer’s sleep mode instead of a screen saver. Bring Cloth Bags to the Market, using your own bag instead of plastic or paper bags reduces waste and requires no additional energy. Buy Organic Food, the chemicals used in modern agriculture pollute the water supply, and require energy to produce. Air Dry Your Clothes, line-dry your clothes instead of using the dryer. It will save energy and environmental friendly. Unplug Un-used Electronics, when appliances is not in use don’t just stay plug and switch off. Even when electronic devices are turned off, they still use energy. Buy Products Locally, buy locally and reduce the amount of energy required to drive your products to your store. Transportation of the product from one place to another is not causing waste to energy alone; also it might cause air pollution, it is better to buy locally to lessen the carbon dioxide coming from the truck. Reduce Garbage, buy products with less packaging and recycle papers, plastics, and glasses that you might think will still be useful. Plant a Tree, trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breath. Replace old Appliances, inefficient appliances waste energy. Buy a Hybrid Car, it will help lessen carbon dioxide coming from the car and it will save to cost more money. Don’t Idle in Your Car, idling wastes money and gas, and generates pollution and global warming causing emissions. Except when in traffic, turn your engine off if you must wait for more than 30 seconds (Take Action, 2005).
This is situation is very alarming that we must give concern and focus on it. Even if it is coming from a simple way to a big one, still helping, it doesn’t count if it’s small or big. If it contribute to help lessen on what we feel right now, it will greatly contribute to help our world remain existing.
In what way are we going to do it? As a student I am not surely can do big things to help but we should have our ways in order to help for it.

(1) Using Solar Energy
An article in the Responding To Climate Change page stated that solar energy is gaining popularity as a modern, sustainable source of energy. And the solar electric world market applying solar energy is growing by 35% annually and the solar thermal or solar heating and cooling, the market is also benefiting from double digit growth rates. And it stated that solar energy will play a crucial role in the future energy supply. There are several policies that is encouraging from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and the German Solar Industry Association (BSW) that will help the world when using the solar energy. It will help to avoid, combating climate change requires dramatic reductions of greenhouse gas emissions; fossil and nuclear fuels are finite and noticeably becoming scarce; and an affordable supply of fossil-based energy resources is becoming difficult to secure. That the only sustainable solution to these problems is to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources (RES). The sun sends more energy to the earth in one hour than the entire population of the world consumes in one year – not using this clean source of energy is unjustifiable. Having the renewable energy sources it may help us to, have unlimited availability; protect the climate by replacing fossil fuels; do not pose any security risks; are available in every country worldwide; support national and local economies and provide new jobs; reduce a country’s dependency on energy imports; increase energy supply security; support rural development due to their decentralized nature; and are the cheapest energy source in the long term; and are sustainable. and for having the new source of energy will soon replace a strongly growing share of fossil and nuclear power. Solar energy will play a major role as it is globally available, flexible in size and application and can fit into the needs of different countries.

(2) Prevent Pollution
Several alternatives is presented in the public from various concerned citizen who is willing to discover and construct more in order to help the situation of what our mother nature situation today. Pollution is one of the contributors why the earth put in this situation. Like using the energy coming from the sun (solar energy) or from the water. It will not cause pollution that will not contribute to make it worst for us.

Instead of using your car to go to the place that you think you can simply can have a walk to reach there why not do such thing. It will help to lessen the air pollution we are experiencing right now. And also, its good for your health it is somehow considered as a way of exercise that will help your body become healthy. You will not just help the earth, you will help your self too. You can gain both benefits.

(3) Conserve Natural Resources
Our forest is at risk, many plants are being cut due to human’s greedy attitude towards it. Plants are the biggest contributor of oxygen so that people can breath. And it is most important for human body if it will intake fresh air and not the polluted one. The plant will help intake the carbon dioxide that is around the environment to process it and make it oxygen as the source of life to human. If we can intake the polluted air, it will cause diseases to human’s body and they will get sick. To avoid that situation we must help our forest. We may plant trees or flowers in order to help our environment. Also, animals are being endangered. Animals help the cycle of the nature’s ecosystem. Without them the process will not be normal and it will affect the life cycle of the humans too. Nature is the primary source of life. It gives us air to breath. It provides us food to eat. It offers things that will help people in everyday living. We must protect it and help it nurture. It is for our own good.

(4) Recycle Junks
Stop wasting things that we think might be useful in the future. There are several tv shows which presented about recycling things and constructed it into new one that may help poor people as there way to gain money. They may sell it to the public to be used as decoration, or others that might be useful. Don’t just throw your drafted paper or paper that slightly use away, you might use it as scratch paper again in the future or it maybe use as fuel. It will burn pretty well (we use that at home). That will lessen to burden of trees from cutting them to make as paper. For me, now as an IT student I notice that I seldom use papers because of directly doing my assignments on the computer. Even though I made many mistake typing it down I don’t waste even a single sheet of paper. Maybe it might be a good one we have it. Also, if we have many plastic, cans, metals and even bottles, iron, newspaper in our house, it might be good to not to waste it and store it we can sell it, it can be recycled too. We save wasting it and on the other hand we gain profit from it. Not too bad right?

(5) Be environmental-friendly
Help save mother earth. Do things that not will cause harm and prevent damage to the earth we are living. As a simple citizen we may plant trees or plant flowers. It will help our house beautiful and help the world green. Use your appliances and energy wisely. Don’t throw your garbage anywhere, there are garbage bin provided for the waste material so it will not scatter everywhere and will not cause any distraction to nature. As a students help or join groups that their advocate is to help the environment is really a big help to the society. Adhere to there objectives and purposes, as what an old saying, ”Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan”. Our helping hand will strive something that will help the future for the better.
Technology really helps us. But we must take responsibility on where it might lead us. We must consider every side of our discovery. Our mother earth really need help, even though we can’t do big things for it simple thing is good and accountable enough. It is not just for the sake of everybody, it is also for our own.




"Trust in E-commerce"

Trust is a charged of duty imposed in faith or confidence as one of the aspect in a relationship. It is a credit held to an individual to the person he/she in trusted about something. It is one of the ingredients to stay a relationship strong and without any doubt to someone he/she given some trust.

In terms about e-commerce online between the seller and the buyer, Trust is a major challenge to the consumer acceptance of e-commerce: the lack of trust is an important reason for the hesitant growth in e-commerce and for the reluctance of consumers to engage in online buying transactions. Communicating trustworthiness is therefore a major challenge company’s encounter (Consume Trust in E-Commerce, Zum Inhalt, 2007).

Trust is a concept everybody understands at some personal level, but most people will have trouble enunciating a specific definition of the concept. Some people will have strict measures they use to evaluate their level of trust in a person or company, while others rely on a more subjective "feel" for determining whether to trust somebody.

Just as every person has his or her own way of deciding issues of trust, every role a person plays will also have its own understanding of trust based on the specific goals and priorities of that role. Empathy is great for times that call for compassion and care, but in matters of trust it can be hard to see things from another's point of view. When you walk into a store that you have patronized for years, you have a level or trust about handing over your money in exchange for goods; the merchant may approach this transaction with an entirely different level of anxiety about your ability to pay -- maybe a new employee is ringing you up -- or your ownership of the credit card you proffer. Trust means different things to different people, to different roles, and in different scenarios (Derek Sisson,2000).

(Derek Sisson,2000)gives the cues a user may look for while evaluating trustworthiness in a commerce site:

(1) Is the site professional?
Have the designers taken care to create a coherent interface, or is the site the apparent product of somebody learning how to code HTML? Does the site have typos, grammatical errors, useless animation, or any of a slew of other problems that indicate that the designers or implementers don't know what they are doing? If they can't design a good site, why expect them to be able to handle commerce transactions and fulfillment? Personally, I won't deal with any site that uses the Comic Sans font face because it shouts "built by an amateur" to me.

(2) Does the information architecture make sense?
If the organization of information doesn't appear to have been carefully designed, why expect the site designers to have thought much about fulfillment and payment systems?

(3) Is the site easy to navigate?
Can I find the product I want to buy? Is it easy for me to browser the site looking for interesting things I might want to buy? If the designers can't make the site easy enough to navigate around, why would I trust them to have made a backend that works?

(4) Is the site easy to use?
Can I access and use the site and its offered functionality? Can I search, browse, and purchase from the site? If I can't, because of my browser and preferred browser configuration, then the site designers are telling me that they don't want my business.

(5) Are my questions answered?
If I'm concerned about security or privacy, can I find information that addresses these concerns without having to email a faceless answer-bot? If the designers didn't think about my possible needs before I made my purchase, why expect them to handle my needs after they have my money?

(6) Do other people trust this site?
What's the word about this site? Have customers received their orders correctly?

(7) Am I familiar with this company?
Have I had good experiences with this company before, on or off the web?
Are the prices reasonable?
Is the price realistic or just too cheap? Will they hit me with an outrageous shipping charge to balance the low price?

Trust is based on experience over time; it can either strengthen or weaken. The process of trust begins when one perceives indications that an online company maybe trustworthy. These indications are known as "forms"(Cheskin, 1999). Manners, professionalism, and sensitivity are examples of these indications. Once the forms representing trustworthiness are strengthened over time, they are transformed into "character traits". These traits include dependability, honesty, and reliability. Once an online company possesses the "character", one will be more likely to purchase items from them. The experience over time is very important in a commercial relationship(Cheskin, 1999).

It really has a big difference between e-commerce transactions online than e-commerce transactions in the traditional way. Transaction online has a lot of risk, because it is lack of physical interaction between the producer and the consumer. The buyer may not physically seen the product he/she is trying to buy, he/she did not know it the company will follow the stated laws and regulation given, is their product will be delivered to them as it is expected. There are a lot questions that maybe running into a buyers mind. While in the traditional way they can talk and communicate with the producer personally, they can observe the product and test it the things they want to buy if its good, it works properly, or they can have it without any hesitation.

In satisfying people in the issue of internet security and privacy trust must be first addressed. Building trust is the most important step in e-commerce. And there are six types of forms for e-commerce trust given by Fred Lee, Trust and E-Commerce. The first one is seals of approval. Symbols of security, such as MasterCard, reassure that proper security measures have been put into place. Second, the brand. The credibility of the online company based on reputation, the promise to deliver certain criteria and a person’s previous experience dealing with the company. Third, its navigation. The ease of finding what you want. Fourth, fulfillment, clear explanations of how orders are processed and what to do if there are any problems. Fifth, presentation, the design of the site must present professionalism and quality. And lastly, sixth, the technology. The site uses new technology to indicate professionalism.

And the three of those forms are the key to e-commerce trust. Navigation, the ease of finding information, is the key form needed for e-commerce trust. A well-known brand and fulfillment are the other two forms involved in e-commerce trust. Navigation must be associated with one or both of the other forms in order for an online business to be consider trustworthy. Strong navigation increases a user’s perception that a web site will meet a user’s needs. For online businesses with lesser-known or newer brands, navigation and fulfillment are key to gaining e-commerce trust. These businesses must have sites with strong navigation and strong fulfillment in order to compete with the well-known brands. As navigation and fulfillment improve, so does e-commerce trust. Also, the most trusted companies were the companies that were well-known and most familiar. The least trusted companies were companies that were lesser-known(Cheskin, 1999). For example, Borders and Amazon.com were the most trustworthy bookseller sites over Barnes and Noble and Books.com. Another example involves video sites: more people would trust Blockbuster Video over Reel.com. Overall, the companies that have "real-world" stores tend to be more trusted than web-based companies. However, some web-based companies, such as Amazon.com, are gaining more appeal than "real-world" stores. Consequently, well-known web-based companies possess the power to operate in the real world (Cheskin, 1999).However, users are more familiar with security techniques, such as "cookies" and "encryption", than the specific security company. These security companies may gain more credibility if they were to associate themselves more with security techniques, such as motto or logo design. And with trust the most considerable thing so that companies can be trusted by their customers are the following: one, a clearly stated return policy, relates to fulfillment. Second, stated and authenticated policies of security and encryption, relates to seals of approval. Third, Ability to withdraw from a transaction, relates to fulfillment. And lastly, the fourth one, Efficient and easy navigation (Trust and E-commerce, Fred Lee).

(Consumer Trust In E-Commerce Web Sites Alarmingly Low, Consumer Reports WebWatch Research Find,2002)"As consumers settle into the realities of a world where the Internet has changed many aspects of how they live their lives, they are starting to question more and more how much they should trust Web content," said Beau Brendler, director of Consumer Reports WebWatch. "Using the Web should not be a game of 20 questions. Consumer Reports WebWatch will encourage sites to be more transparent about the financial interests behind the content they publish, and provide tools to help consumers feel more confident about using the Web."

In concert with those findings, Consumer Reports WebWatch will promote a core set of guidelines for Web sites to help improve the credibility of online information. The guidelines come from this survey research, and as a result of extensive review by Consumer Reports WebWatch's diverse advisory board.
The guidelines and research findings can be accessed at the project's Web site, www.consumerwebwatch.org, which launched officially today.

Consumer Reports WebWatch believes Web sites will promote Web credibility if they adopt these basic policies:

1. Identity. Web sites should clearly disclose the physical location where they are produced, including an address, a telephone number or e-mail address. Sites should clearly disclose their ownership, private or public, naming their parent company. Sites should clearly disclose their purpose and mission.

2. Advertising and Sponsorships. Sites should clearly distinguish advertising from news and information, using labels or other visual means. This includes "in-house" advertising or cross-corporate ad sponsorships. Search engines, shopping tools and portals should clearly disclose paid result-placement advertising, so consumers may distinguish between objective search results and paid ads. Sites should clearly disclose relevant business relationships, including sponsored links to other sites. For example: A site that directs a reader to another site to buy a book should clearly disclose any financial relationship between the two sites. Sites should identify sponsors. The site's sponsorship policies should be clearly noted in accompanying text or on an "About Us" or "Site Center" page.

3. Customer Service. Sites engaged in consumer transactions should clearly disclose relevant financial relationships with other sites, particularly when these relationships affect the cost to a consumer. Sites should clearly disclose all fees charged, including service, transaction and handling fees, and shipping costs. This information should be disclosed before the ordering process begins. Sites should clearly state and enforce policies for returning unwanted items or canceling transactions or reservations.

4. Corrections. Sites should diligently seek to correct false, misleading or incorrect information. Sites should prominently display a page or section of the site where incorrect information is corrected or clarified. Sites should strive to mark content with its published date when failing to do so could mislead consumers. Sites should clearly state their policy on a consumer's rights if a purchase is made based on incorrect information on the site.

5. Privacy. Site privacy policies should be easy to find and clearly, simply stated. Sites should clearly disclose how personal data from site visitors and customers will be used. Personal data includes name, address, phone number and credit card number. Sites should disclose whether they use browser-tracking mechanisms such as "cookies," and other technologies such as Web beacons, bugs and robots. Sites should explain how data collected from them will be used. Sites should notify customers of changes to privacy policies and provide an easy opt-out alternative.
Trust must be acquired from both consumer and producer. Not just by producer alone, or not just by consumer alone. Both should build such factor in their own ways on how to deal with it. even though its so hard to gained sometimes but each individual must be patient in doing such to reach the things they want.




Legislation for E-Commerce

Every now and then people interact to things not just to socialize but to gain profits. And we can’t deny the fact that there are various ways to find money and buy things now that is more convenient without spending so much of your money, effort, and time strolling around from one market to another market to look and find for stuff or things that you want. Interaction between one people to another; accessing of information from the books, journals, magazines; and even buying goods and heading for services can be done by the most convenient machines technology brought up for called computer. Which gives all the information you like, it can be a library, a store, a place for meeting and socializing friends, or it can be an entertainment room.

Well, because of the rapid changes and innovation of technology there is a tool that has brought into life to be used in the business world. In making several transactions like paying, buying, delivering, purchasing, supplying and many others of goods and services all around the globe, and because of that situation e-commerce exist. E-commerce is the exchange of information and transactions using any form of electronic communication. E-commerce is not just for business but we can count also the normal way of living life. The area of business now is huge and spreading widely and from the natural way of buying and selling goods and services and from the natural way of interacting between buyers and consumers to the modern ways of transaction and interaction of the buyer and consumer in the market. Of course transaction online involves a lot of money and every single action or thing is abide by law, online businesses and transactions also have policy and rules also to consider like the offline world. Because selling and buying online is more risky than selling and buying it personally in the market because the action you have to take can be broadcast so to make it sure that it’s safe it must be put up with some regulations or law to become legal and decent.

Buying online or online shopping is easy and faster, you can communicate from one people to the others through various sites in the internet. To know more about the product, and to know more about the company who’s into. It reduces cost of information in just a click away you can collect as many information as you want instead of buying magazines to inform the legality and the name of the company and products. Buying online has its convenience because you can shop what you want from books, foods, clothes, cars and many more. You can pay your bill, or manage your finances through online. You can even try to find work and do your job in the convenient of your home.

But of course there are some problems that will arise and that we can’t control even for the convenient it takes. In sending and receiving mails or messages, you can also receive messages called spam or even viruses coming from someone anonymous to you. The other thing is that the important information that you sent can be used by other people. You maybe hacked by someone. When in terms of the product you can see the images that it is good but how about the other factor you must consider? You can really sure of the quality of the product. That’s why if you want to be make sure you are in the good track. Be sure to clarify all the possible information that will be hold that the company who introduced such product is legal and existing many years now. Also, are they following certain rules and regulation that the government wants to be implemented in every transaction to be made.

One of the most important factors in this kind of business is trust, the trust of the consumer to the producer and the trust of the producer to the consumer. If the company or enterprise made some regulation like of course both parties should have all the information they needed in order to know the company and in order to know the client if the client give the information needed for that particular company the company should be accountable of it that the company will leave all the information one a client from the others. If the company will not commit the rules they made they can’t gain trust to there clients. Privacy and security of information are the most spread out issue when it comes to online activities. Be sure that the company used to have such thing.

Since one’s privacy is very important some legalization has been mandated in order to protect the owner of the information and to protect the clients’ intellectual property from the intruders who wants to take the property of others.

There is an article I had read that the Philippine Congress enacted the Electronic Commerce Act in 2000. This law came out, which provides the legal framework for e-commerce, it gives documents and signatures transmitted electronically the same legally binding effect or legal protection as paper-based documents. Such electronic transactions would also be admissible as evidence in legal disputes. The Electronic Commerce Act also mandates the computerization of government offices that issue permits, licenses and other documents. It aims to reduce government red tape by requiring all government agencies to switch from paper-based to electronic documents in government transactions. Government agencies have moved gradually (though slowly) towards computerization in the last five years. The law also prescribes three years imprisonment and a fine of P100,000 for computer hacking, but it does not cover such areas as taxation, the jurisdiction of disputes or intellectual property. The Philippine government signed the e-ASEAN Framework Agreement in 2000. The agreement binds the ten members of the Association of South-East Asian Nations to harmonize regulatory frameworks and infrastructure for e-commerce. It aims to create high-speed regional Internet connections and eliminate duties on computer products and services by 2010.

Also, there is a law that is mandated to e-commerce in terms of the taxation which is released by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for the public comments a draft of regulation which is imposing the value added tax and income tax to every transaction that has been taken in e-commerce. Which the information about the law is focusing on the products in the internet like music, computer software, graphic program, books, film or databases, that will held as intangible personal property. That if the person will download from a site of foreign one such the action that will be going to take, the client will pay and it is accompany by a VAT. It says that, “the tax paid and withheld would be treated as the withholding agent’s cost or expenditure for income tax purposes”.

Downloading materials now and downloading products and sites are many and now we can download videos, books, and music that we want not costly and for free. We can now freely surf it over numerous sites provided by us.

An article coming from Kenya which providing law that affects e-commerce and online transaction in their country that includes: Electronic transaction bill, ICT bill, and freedom of information bill. This was established to help the economic growth in their society. They believe that investing and supporting the e-commerce community will contribute and greatly help for their development and to promote innovation and open market. Technology now it strong, influential and brings up countless opportunity. Implementing the legislation is needed to legalize e-commerce transactions by recognizing an electronic signature, manage and control e-commerce risk, and remove e-commerce barriers. Since online shopping is risky than usual way its application in the public will make them most secure in the information they provided and also to reduce the problems that will occur online. The information and communication bill, 2008 and electronic transactions bill, 2007 were develop to improve the transaction being held online. And also to improve the quality of the bills and provide: provision on who can prosecute is missing; liability of internet service providers must be demarcated; clarification in which commercial documents are excluded from proposed legislation; eliminate any ambiguity on abmissibility of electronic evidence; need for data protection and privacy provision, this is the primary issue when it comes to the virtual world, the capacity of the data that can be secured and be remain private, we are not 100 percent sure if the data and information we provided are secured; the bills are more lenient on e-commerce fraud than on traditional fraud, in the cyber space ‘stealing’ is more prone and we don’t really know that the existence of some sites are true or just a spoofed to intrude others privacy ; remove inconsistencies in determining crimes and punishments; provision for the inclusions of cyber-crime within the scope of extradition act; and creation of an Administrator for e-commerce laws whose functions will be policy implementation and advisory, as a multi-sectoral body with industry associations. Those are the several issues which legislation are provided and implemented in one’s community.

Having a regulation and implementing the policy provided by the highest authority or by the government is really important. This will somehow use to regulate, to authorize us to our private life, to provide (in terms of financial), to declare, to sanction, to grant, or to restrict someone who have no authority within this matter. The rules and policy are established and mandated so that we are guaranteed safe and secure from the indigenous people or groups, not only an individual person. We have all the right in terms of our own property we must observe things, and practice to be wise in terms of it. We have the right to maintain, to protect manifestation from our own. Having all the possible legislation presented will help and benefited by the large numbers of consumers who are more convenient and following trend of the society this time, the business area, and the people like small-holder farmers, tourism operators, small scale industry and service providers in almost any business sector all over the world, business sectors who are trying to get the trust of their clients and serve high quality product.

Those guidelines being presented and provided will help ensure the consumer who are using e-commerce that state regulations of online legal services clearly focus on protecting consumers from convenient and low cost competition in routine legal matters. The online legal services industry should quickly establish a self-regulatory code of conduct explaining what online law can and cannot supply, but the bar itself should tread lightly where consumers are adequately informed about what they are buying from whom. The government, the decision they made, the law they made is not just about ensuring that laws are enacted by democratically elected representatives. All those are made to ensure that the public in general who are interacting such matters is given reasonable opportunities to contribute. Regulation of content, protection of intellectual property and consumer protection will be difficult to maintain for a government inexperienced in Internet matters. Authorities will probably become more sophisticated in regulating the Internet as they use it more often. The process whereby laws are prepared is as important as their content, it undergo different actions and perceptions, the higher authority spend time, effort, money to such law to be implemented because a more open, transparent and participatory process increases the likelihood that new laws will be will received, accepted, and properly implemented. All law existing is derived for the benefits of the public.

Although we have doubt on the several issues we encountered and heard. We should all welcome the online law provided for us it is for our own supervision, it will provide legal services cheaper, more convenient in a way, less confusing on the numerous problem arises, and it is better designed to replace fear and anger towards the law with trust and confidence.

But as the e-commerce activity are bound to be spreading, we should prepare for the big responsibility that will come to place because as it continue to spread out it become more and more complicated.



Future Technology

Relate significant events in society to innovations in technology.

Technology where designated to sustain a better life today and mostly in the future. The existences of technology were become massive and as it exists it is very influential that it becomes unstoppable. Before people constructed technology and new innovation has preceded, the background knowledge of people has enabled to create and build new things. Innovations of technology are products of people’s desire in life, growth of economy, needs of the society, and a part of people’s way of living life and also they are develop for military purposes. The productions of technology greatly affect the society in any means like the culture, the tradition, or even the moral ways of an individual.

The development of human society in terms of modernization is pleading. From the time where people dealing with the social evolution from stone age, then followed by iron age, then ancient civilization where the growth of technology where begun adopted as new ways of living and up to this century where many things where constructed and exist. It is rapidly increasing in any area like communication, transportation, agriculture, in civil engineering, computing , in the field of energy, medicine, science, nuclear technology, and also, in the military technology.
Over the past decade until now, agriculture is the very important area in human life and it played a role in the continuous development of human civilization, from the natural way of planting, harvesting, and maintenance of the plants and crops to the modern way of doing those things. There are many ways to maintain and to take care of the plants and crops, the introduction of the machines which may help for harvesting which make the farmers do their job easily, it will help lessen the back-breaking work the farmers undergo before, the technology chemicals like the fertilizers and pesticides to maintain the freshness and to control the pest that may ruin the plants. But somehow we should use it in the proper way; sometimes those chemicals are used to bear fruits even not in their seasonal period. For me, it is not good the proper way of processing and bearing fruit is not that good. Natural ways taste better than with chemicals.

What’s more? The most significant events in innovation of technology, in communication and in computing, are the following: the telephones or the mobile phones, the internet, the World Wide Web and the computers where a part of it. The society named the mobile phones as the ‘always the best way of communication’. And we can’t deny the fact that it is really true. Mobile phones where convenient to use, you can bring it anywhere; you can reach people everywhere, at any given time or place. It can entertain you because it has game console, you can play and watch videos, personalize playlist for your favorite songs, you can socialize people, and it has a lot of features like you can use it in phone calls, text messaging, or chat. The other feature is you can use it as a camera. Also, we have computers which are very helpful in any field, in the area of education, it is really has a place which give students more information and knowledge. In our part, as a student taking the degree like BSIT or BSCS, computer is the primary materials we used to aid us. Computer accompany by the internet which help students in their assignments, or projects, and researches. In the world of business, it help more companies to easily communicate from one parties to another, it help their employee to easy do their work, work to improve the quality of the companies product and services.

Furthermore, in transportation, from the land, the water or the sky, transportation technology is one of the important things in human life. Automobile nowadays is very convenient and some are luxurious. The production is very high and the component where totally well-appointed. From using animals like horse in transportation before into large machines now. The means of transportation now also become huge from small automobiles like motorcycle, car, to the big ones like bus, van, train, ship, and airplanes. You can easily go into places and tour. But automobiles where propelled by gasoline and fuels which contribute the air pollution and it is the one who blamed as contributor to climate change and global warming which someday people where developing and thinking of technologies using water, electricity as replacement of the gasoline that will help the air pollution we encounter today.

The other events where brisk of innovation of technology is in the military area which includes the nuclear technology, air craft, and many others that contribute the existence of it. Loads of machines and devices are created to be used in this area. Also loads of money exists for it. But today, nuclear weapons threaten the survival of life on earth. Right this minute, thousands of nuclear missiles, with firing crews at the ready, are pointing at population centers. How have earthly rulers been “found deficient” with regard to world developments? But, the nations keep spending more and more on armaments. The cost has now risen to about a trillion dollars (U.S.) a year! One source notes that the world spends about 50 times as much money on each soldier as it does on each school-age child. Consider, too, a United Nations report that shows that at least 450 million people throughout the world are hungry, and their numbers are growing. Another report states that “every year 30 to 40 million people starve to death” in underdeveloped lands. It says, too, that about half of those dying are children under the age of five. In view of all of this, an editor wrote in a Cleveland newspaper: “If visitors arrived next week from some distant galaxy, could we tell them we had to kill ourselves in order to establish the superiority of communism or capitalism? Could we explain that we were a species that divided itself into nations, and that those nations were sworn to murder each other in periodic orgies of blood lust? How would we explain that we let some of our species starve and others wallow in degradation and ignorance because the invention of mass death had a greater priority for us? The visitors from that distant galaxy would certainly describe us back home as barbarians. . . . We might protest that we also made great art and believed in justice. They would smile sadly and leave before the explosions.”

In the area of medicine, many existing technology also are introduced that will help people extend and enjoy life. There are thousands of antibiotics, or multivitamins which help to become fat if your obeys if you can afford to expensive treatment there are more that can turn into figure you wants; anti-aging, to look more young; to become taller, if you’re not consistent about your height; to lessen the sugar, cholesterol you have and many others that threatening your lives. Couples that can’t bear child on their own, science can make it possible. Blood transfusion has already an alternative, instead of using blood, there are several liquids use in order to maintain and make use the alternate the blood that has been gone. One of the article I read under the heading of “‘Bloodless’ Surgery,” a man named Maclean’s that the magazine reported that doctors across Canada have been “developing new techniques that, over the past five years, have turned so-called bloodless surgery into a major medical trend.” Brian Muirhead, an anesthesiologist at Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Centre, is one of them. He made an alternative of blood a liquid that can be used ad blood. In 1986, Dr. Muirhead took on the challenge of operating on a 70-year-old man with a bleeding ulcer who had asked for treatment that did not require a blood transfusion. Dr. Muirhead “resorted to a little-used method of pumping saline solution into the patient to keep his blood pressure up,” reported in the article. “The procedure was a success, and it reinforced Muirhead’s growing belief that ‘we were giving too many blood transfusions. I thought it was time to look at alternatives.’” Science is really a mysterious area of them all, the technology produced by this area contributed a lot in terms of health and human lives. It really amazing what the world brought onto us.

Those things are what the intelligence and curiosity of people was made. Because of their interest of what life can do more and try to discover more. Because of the people’s needs and wants also, all those things are constructed and created. It really plays an important role in our life, in our everyday living. Of course those are put up because of the benefits people well owe. And the society now can’t picture out there selves when technologies was not created (even myself can’t picture out things without technology).

Our community today are fully embracing it and afraid to lose it. That’s why people now are depending on it. Even though it plays a very important role in human life somehow it gives effect that may cause life at risk. As what they say if something offers benefits on the contrary it also deals with effects. Like the automobile technology, as I stated above it can cause and contribute to global warming which one of the situation to nature today. Well, we benefits a lot from it, we can’t maybe live without it cause it plays a big role today but maybe somehow we must not ignore the things that some people where trying to manufacture to lessen it. We must give them some time of our attention and try to adopt it. The distraction of nature is held on us, we are accountable to it since we, people, who are the most powerful in this world, who have the control of it may take our responsibility considering the things around us.

Future Technology

Think about yourself to be called as IT professional, what innovations/technologies would you introduce or contribute to improve the quality of life.

Honestly, I don't even think myself to become an IT professional as I graduated my high school degree. I don’t know truly what I want to do someday in my life and one way or another I don’t even trying to think about it. I don't even taking a glimpse of what lies ahead in my life and what humans have brought through in this world. And I don’t even know what a virtual world is all about. In the first place, this course was not my choice because I don’t understand what it is, as I take my first step-on to this course I really don’t know what it’s all about, what will be the things I will learn, and what will be the responsibility and obligation in taking up this kind of degree but as times goes by I merely appreciate this course because I learned things that is unusual to me, it amaze me, and until I learned to love it.

Being an IT professional, I really appreciate the things they have been doing, there knowledge about this, the technology, area where truly broaden and very useful in any field of work and specialties. Their ability where truly inspiring and amusement really step on myself. They do and create programs, develop database systems, continuous development of the virtual world where their where use as a tool to help the people use their time in a high-speed work, lessen manually work, creates leisure, give much fun and entertain, building an easiest ways to live life. But somehow because of their skills and intelligence and ability in the field which one way or another turn their thoughts desperately they build things for their own that may cause harm to people and the society they belong. Like use their skills and wisdom to build devices and gadgets that threaten the lives of their own mates.

Now, over the past decades we, people, we’re fully aware of the existence of our lives and in our daily living, we are always searching for something different and new. And as the time continue to roll-on many improvement has been developed and discovered. In these days innovation of technology where very massive and those where made in order to enhanced what the world has given and what the environment were looking for, of course all these things were up to the ability of the people who were concerned the work of others. As we noticed all the things that bring into being were build for the better work of mankind. Like the computer which have advanced, and helpful features like they helped us remember, calculate, organize, or even clarify things. As the rapid changes of technology where persistently going on it will become more advanced.

Many technology have been introduced to aid life in one way to another, the existence of it were evolving from simple to complicated word. Nowadays, technology where involved in the different fields, like technology where involve or used in the field of education, where it helps students or even teachers to find immediate answers to complex problems. Where also students use the virtual world to easily search for information needed it can be used as a library where we can search on anything, a book, an article, a journal, a new paper, or even materials to assist visualize the thought a student or a person to be understand clearly. By using the technology, the quality of teaching of the teachers is high and more productive and comprehensive. The other is for employment, many companies have taken all the possible resources using technology to make their work faster, efficient, and produce a lot of their products spending a little span of time. It gives better work and convenient for the employees or workers. Then it is also spread in the field of entertainment, many devices have been introduce to entertain people and give more fun spending their time in the virtual world. And through the community where even the natural world we are living where they are trying to upgrade it into a better one, more progressive, more convenient, more high-tech which humans live in a world where everything are more appropriate and easy. And through that the existence of it today is huge, continuous and we can’t deny the fact that it is unrestrained and it is vastly upgrading. But as it immensely upgrading to help the people around in their means of living, it is on the contrary that the world, our mother nature where enormously taking the effect of what mankind productively producing nowadays.

As an IT professional, being conscious on the infinite growing of technology where somehow where heading us to find more ways what we can do about it and on the other side we will also be conscious on the effect of the productivity of a particular technology. We used to create somehow things like these and that we don’t fully understand the effect on what we are developing and as what I’ve seen in the world right now developer where not fully aware about that. We must bear in mind that if we’re going to do something we must consider the both side or be sensitive on all side or all the every possible things that will happen if we introduce such things. What will be the benefits and effects when we introduced some technology in the society. The existence of technology where made to bring humans life easier and better but on the other side it help human life existence quick living in this world. As the one who will create and pursue things to help the quality of life for the people around me and for the community I should consider the innovation of technology which concern of taking good care of the mother nature and its resources. Which represents the primarily source of our lives as human and nurture us to continue living in this world. We can’t live life forever and to live it long we seek things to help us remain at least long as we can to enjoy life to the extent that we are satisfied.

Many issues have been taking seriously on our place now like the continuous situation about global warming, as we notice today the condition of the earth where somehow at risk, as human we knew that but we are not that totally aware of it. Global warming is one of the greatest threats to the long term survival of human here on earth. If the continuous situation of global warming will not stop or least lessens the situation not just our mother earth were at risk also including ourselves, we humans are also affected by the effects of it like the recent changing of the climate which affect our body that bring us on some disease, it will also cause to the improper cycle of the ecosystem, which help maintain the cycle of life. Also it may lead to greenhouse effects where will cause the changes of climate like it is becoming warmer in most days and it seemed that it will make the world tried out. Also the earth now cannot fully protect its property from things coming from the outer space because the one that is protecting the earth to the things that falling from above will not come directly to destroy the earth is also been affected, which we called the ozone layer. That’s why the earth is warmer these days because now, it cannot fully support the rays coming from the sun which contribute the drastic changes of the climate. The other is overused of resources like energy, water, and fuel, people sometimes mistreated the resources that will help our lives more at risk, the unsatisfactory behavior of people around. Some is the pollution made by human itself whether in the air or in the water, people throw there garbage anywhere, incorrect placement of trash coming from factories which cooperate to continue destroy the earth’s atmosphere that helping humans to maintain and live where cautions are not presented and created, and the other one is the too much released of carbon dioxide around the world because of burning things that may help increase the level of the temperature that will cause more heat and end-up to global warming, and many others which slowly affecting nature.

To maintain the cycle of the earth and its property, at least to help lessen the pain that our mother earth’s feeling right now, maybe the technology that I will be introducing when I will become one of the IT professionals will be all about protecting the nature and it’s resources. Innovation is not for modernization itself, it’s been established for the better ways of living life, to enjoy it but how can we enjoy it if we’re gone because of the effects that we get from it. How can we continuously develop things if where helping our self to lessen others life or even our life. Maybe we should think first, not once but as many as we can in order to find ways not to harm the primarily source of life.

Some example technology that will help the several issues our environment is facing right now is the one we had discussed about, the vertical farming, by developing it, in some way it will help to prevent the further deforestation of the environment, desertification, and other encroachment on nature. It really completely deal to lessen the global warming on earth, where less chemicals where being use in order to lessen the natures pollution, capable to plant and grow varieties of foods like vegetables, crops for the people, and it can lessen to cause pollution on by means of transportation, from transferring plants or crops from one place to another, also it can reduce or eliminate using more machine which contribute coming out some polluted air coming from the machines. It reduces the conflict about using fully the natural resources which is water and the other. It will create sustainable environment toward the rural areas, it will aid to back the old and green scenario of environment from the past, continuous development of nature will definitely increase, the cycle of the ecosystem will now be back in place, its functions and services will return as like before.

All the possible technology devices that we will create, produce, and build for the future will be helpful and beneficial, but we will be considerate not just to people or humans like us but also to the other living things that surrounds us. As we become aware of, innovation of technology are at its strong foundation these days, nowadays people are really subjected to increasingly more diverse and complex influences coming from the society. Because of that we must all be ready to understand as the innovation continues, compromise, and to change our ways in everything that is happening, and put in mind that everything was created with every purpose held on it. And also we must always bear in mind that those technologies being created and presented where made by the people like us.

Now, majority of the people are already hooked up on the beliefs of technology or the machines generation which it leave the people’s feeling confused about their values and priorities. Sometimes because of the fast changing environment there will exist some problems and difficulties but it is unfortunate that when huge changes where required, instead of beginning the process, many people prefer to deny the problem. And because of that people will failing to appreciate that there are sometimes that we need to make some movements for our body and sometimes sacrifice things and they fail to understand the truly meaning of life.

In order to make our lives more productive and convenient and as an inventor, creator, or producer our self must learn to act accountable in every step we takes, we must learn to value everything and it’s up to every individual if he/she will going to waste it or make it better. We can live life one’s.

The Future

As the earth continue revolving, the life of an individual is also keeping on living and gradually finding and discovering appropriate things that can give a better and fulfilling life.

Over the past decades until this days we can see the evolution about the living of mankind. It becoming more and more progressing, and modern. The quality of living are came to the extent that people were not doing any work and leave it to the machines they have been created. From the natural ways of living and doing things to the modern days. And someday their is the possibility that the community of mankind will be living their lives together with the machines that has been existing which natural and original methods of living will be vanished.